Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fallen in love !

With joy in my eyes, I fell in love.

With hopes in my soul, I fell in love.

With sorrows behind and the whole world against,

I fell in the beauty of love.


With rolling years,

With stronger trusts,

With heavier hearts,

For lighter moments,

I stayed along, in the beauty of love.


Years passed by,

Happiness faded by,

Through sorrows we stood,

Through gaiety we cherished,

The togetherness more meaningful became,

In the bond, in the beauty of love


Oblivious I was,

Blind eyed I remained,

Was I a thorn, or was I surrounded by thorns?

Shattered I was, I lost my self,

In the myriad of words, of an intruder’s sorcery

Oh! Tower of trust, where art thou?


I wept and wept, To God I wept.

Why Me? I yelled,

And he replied,

U have FALLEN in the beauty of love!

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