Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fallen in love !

With joy in my eyes, I fell in love.

With hopes in my soul, I fell in love.

With sorrows behind and the whole world against,

I fell in the beauty of love.


With rolling years,

With stronger trusts,

With heavier hearts,

For lighter moments,

I stayed along, in the beauty of love.


Years passed by,

Happiness faded by,

Through sorrows we stood,

Through gaiety we cherished,

The togetherness more meaningful became,

In the bond, in the beauty of love


Oblivious I was,

Blind eyed I remained,

Was I a thorn, or was I surrounded by thorns?

Shattered I was, I lost my self,

In the myriad of words, of an intruder’s sorcery

Oh! Tower of trust, where art thou?


I wept and wept, To God I wept.

Why Me? I yelled,

And he replied,

U have FALLEN in the beauty of love!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Roses were Red

Roses were Red,

Violets were Blue,

All these in my life,

were said true,

Then came the storm, of Change , we say,

To relish in it later, I pray !

jlt !

Time keeps ticking by and by;

Three love letters I have Oh My!

My phone keeps ringin tring tring tring,

One lil heart in sadness weepin' !

Adieu !

Time has come, to bid adieu;

time so unfair, time so short.

Even before I notice,it says bye bye !!!!!

With teary eyes as I stand,tears rolling down my heart,

neither can I cry nor can I hide .

This test of time , so hard on me,

I know future is all for me;

yet I long for longer hours, a lil baby's cry I cry,

Is anyboby watching me????

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Where are we heading to?

In the begining there was only chaos. Then out of the void appeared Erebus, the unknowable place where death dwells, and Night. All else was empty, silent, endless, darkness. Then somehow Love was born bringing a start of order. From Love came Light and Day. Once there was Light and Day, Gaea, the earth appeared.

This is how the world is presumed to have come into life,per the greek mythology.This is true in the case of us,the so called humans!

The little seed in the womb, the result of a chaos(aint here to explain that!)is how we evolve.There is total silence and darkness out there, somehow mother’s love keeps us growing in there. Neither the threat of the sun nor of the gun. And then the day comes, where light and day are seen,a LIFE is born.

This so called life is cherished,brought up ,caressed and hence evolves the full grown human.Ready to face the turmoils of the world.Such was the life of a teenager (let m ename her destiny),who now peacefully lays in death,oblivious of the happenings down here.

Destiny,now is destiny’s child. Her destiny was carefully sealed.The next day’s papers and the media were splattered with this gruesome article.The only solace destiny’s death brought were the high advertisements and publicity all over. Had she been there,she would have turned a year older in experience and life. Yet again, as rightly said,”someone’s loss is someone’s gain”,her family’s loss is the media’s gain.

A day of grief and anguish, with neither the tears for mommy dear to roll out nor the time.The lady had become comfortably numb to the world.In this damned world of money and commercialisation, destiny’s death was being “sensationalised”. Birthday wishes for the dead, are you humane????? Where are we heading to??Where is the human in you,I ask??who is to hear, as I sit comfy in the haven of my couch and utter this!

Destiny was no more,so was her family’s sanity. ’twas all strewn in the hands of the dogs(supposedly the saviours of the society).A father killing his creation,his flesh,his blood,his darling doll??? Where are we heading to????

Hey God, you there??Can you answer this simple question? Where are we heading to?? “There is light at the end of every dark tunnel”, I beg to differ, “after every circuit of brightness, there awaits a ghastly total darkness.”

In the begining there was only chaos. Then out of the void appeared Erebus, the unknowable place where death dwells, and Night. All else was empty, silent, endless, darkness. Then somehow Love was born bringing a start of order. From Love came Light and Day. Once there was Light and Day, Gaea, the earth appeared. And in the end,there exists only chaos,darkness and the earth will soon cease to exist.That’s where we are heading to!!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Send me back to where I came from!!!

Sitting in the verandah,sipping on tea, I gazed at the lil rain drops trickling down the roof.I called it introspection time, a time to realise what and where I am?.
As a lil girl life was smooth and flowery. Then came growing up, lil did I know the plights of being big. I hate it. Cribbing to goto school then, I long for it now.School has shown me vivid pics of various type of girls (it being an al girls school),and their eccentricity at its best!!!
Then came college, I thought times would change and so did it.Lot of people around, some good and some snobs. I did find people who really mean the world to me for the rest of my lives,inspite of all the hooligans around (oops!!! i remember incidents connected to that word ) :P

End of College was the time to decide in which IT company our talent (ha ha !!)was to be put to use. The second company chose me, and I was all Aloha!!! Happiness knew no bounds when the whole jing-bang entered the same portals again.

Then came Training in a place away from home. 4 full months, away from home,made me mature,made me think.To be away from home seemed like so much fun....Rote Exams all over..hey guys,don't u realise we've grown up?? !! All's well that ends well.

Yet another new land beckons and here I am.Initially rosy rosy,loads of fun, loads of glee.Monthly Visits home brought me to the grade of a queen there :) . As time rolled by, I am all alone, no one here,no one dear.Like the rain drops down the roof... lil tears rolled down my cheek.

A solitary reaper I stand,I wanna go back I cried. No one seems to pay heed to my cries. Is anyone listening????Send me back to where I came from!!!