Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lover Boy !

At supper i saw you.....
those sharp features at i stared,
my eyes i coudnt take off.....
from your charm so fair...

I saw you again.....
eye in eye.....
i looked at you...
and so did you.....
a whiff of cold air.....
so fresh so sweet......
right across my face...

I met u again...
a silent watcher-by..
your charm so sweet....
my o my !!
i fell drop-dead there.

My system chills,
as your countenance kills.
your face so sweet...
i will cherish....
till the end of my days, you will remain,
my lover boy from whom to take off ,my eyes will restrain.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

This is not what i ask for ! !

So many ppl arnd, y did i ever care,
to shake hands with you?
Never would i have,
Had i ever known,
you wud hurt.

The pain drills deep down,
when you look up n,
all you see is pain pain and more pain.

This is not what i ask for,
this is not what i ask for.

You cant care to care,
leave me alone,
I shall never ever,
leave alone tread,
never ever even spread into thine ways.

This is not what i ask for,
this is not what i ask for.